Psoriasis is a common (chronic) long-term, cure-free illness. It tends to go through cycles, subsequently subsidizing and then to lessening. It causes red, itchy and scaly patches usually on knees, elbows or scalp.
Psoriasis is a skin disruption that leads to a 10-fold increase in skin cells as quick as usual. This turns the skin into rough, red, white-scale areas. It cannot be passed from one person to the other. Psoriasis may cover significant areas of the body in severe instances. The patches can heal and return over the whole life of a person. Psoriasis may cover significant areas of the body in severe instances. The patches can heal and return over the whole life of a person.
There are following types of psoriasis stated as follows;
Plaque psoriasis
Plaque psoriasis which comes from the plaques which form on the skin, is the most prevalent type of psoriasis. In certain areas of the skin there are well-defined patches of red-high skin, but the knees, elbows, scalp, trunk and nails are most prevalent. The plaques called scales also have a flaky white accumulation on top. The potential symptoms of plaque psoriasis include discomfort, itching, and cracking.
Scalp psoriasis
It is a common disease in the skin which causes elevated areas, reddish, frequently scaly. Scalp psoriasis can affect the entire scalp or only appear as a spot. Such psoriasis may even extend to the forehead, to the neck’s back or to the ears. The symptoms of Scalp Psoriasis may involve just little, delicate scaling. Moderate to severe symptoms of scalp psoriasis may include dandruff, dry scalp, and hair loss. Medicated shampoos, lotions, gels, oils, ointments, and soaps may be used to treat Scalp psoriasis. The two drugs in over-the-counter medicines that cure scalp-psoriasis are salicylic acid and carbon tar.
Guttate psoriasis
Small, pink spots or droplets on the skin look like guttate psoriasis. The Latin word “gutta,” which means drop, is the term guttate. In general, there is finer psoriasis of the guttate than the psoriasis of plaque. It is primarily caused by streptococcal infection and the disease usually happens between two and three weeks following strep throat.
Nail psoriasis
Psoriatic nails feature a whitish or yellow horizontal border at the end of the nail, called onycholytic distance, since the nail is removed from the skin. Frequently in the nail plate there might be tiny pitches, often with a yellow nail.
No on exactly knows the root cause of psoriasis but experts say it’s a combination of multiple factors. An immune system failure produces inflammation and triggers too fast the formation of new skin cells.
Things that trigger an outbreak of psoriasis may include:
- Cuts, scrapes or surgery
- Emotional stress
- Strep infections
- Medications
- Beta blockers
- Heavy alcohol consumption
- Smoking
- Weather conditions
- Genetics
- Immune system
- Injury to skin
Signs & Symptoms
Psoriasis signs and symptoms vary from person to person. Common indications include:
- Red patches over skin
- Small scaling spots (commonly in children)
- Dry or cracked skin that may bleed
- Itching, burning
- Soreness
- Thickened, pitted or rigged nails
- Swollen or stiff joints
- Hormonal changes
The patches of psoriasis can range from a few dandruff-like scale spots to massive eruptions. Lower back, elbows, knees, legs, foot soils, skirt, face and palms are the most prevalent affected areas.
Rash or regions of red, flammable skin typically coated in loose silver-colored scales; plaques develop and fuse into each other in extreme cases covering vast areas. Psoriasis can also be linked to psoriatic arthritis that causes the joints to become inflamed. This painful joint problem is also present in between 10 and 30 percent of persons with psoriasis.
According to National Psoriasis Foundation:
- Less than 3 per cent of the body has mild psoriasis.
- Medium psoriasis is 3–10% of the body.
- More than 10 percent of the body has severe psoriasis.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Your doctor diagnosis by physical examination over:
- Scalp
- Ears
- Elbows
- Knees
- Belly button
- Nails
- Will ask if your family has psoriasis
Lab tests – A biopsy may be done by the doctor – remove a little piece of skin and check for skin infection. No other psoriasis test can be confirmed or excluded.
Treatment with psoriasis aims to prevent the development of skin cells and to eliminate scales. Options cover lotions and ointments (topical treatment), therapy with light (photography) and medications with oral or injection. How serious the psoriasis is and how responsive the prior therapy depends on what therapies you are using.
- Tropical therapy
Corticosteroids are prescribed in this type of therapy. Corticosteroid ointments (hydrocortisone) are often used for the treatment of broad patches in sensitive areas such as your face or skin folds and they are readily available as ointments, creams or gels. Strong corticosteroids might thin your skin over longer periods or misuse. Topical corticosteroids may cease to function with time.
- Salicylic acids
They can be used on their own or to improve other medicines’ capacity to permeate the skin more easily. This reduces the scaling of skin.
- Coal tar
It decreases scaling, irritation and swelling. It can be obtained over-the-counter or in many forms via prescription, including shampoo, lotion and oil. The skin may be irritated by such products. They are also disoriented and might have a strong stench, stained clothes, and bedding.
For women who are pregnant or breast-feeding, coal tar therapy is not suggested.
- Light therapy
It is the first-line treatment for moderate to severe psoriasis. The skin is exposed to regulated natural or artificial light levels. This may include sunlight, UVB broadband, UVB narrowband sources of light.
- Oral or injected medications
These medications can be alternated with the other treatments as prescribed by the doctor/dermatologist. These may include steroids, retinoids, methotrexate or cyclosporine.